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Which path will you choose?

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Flobots. "Handlebards." Fight With Tools. Universal Republic, 2008

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Solving the Mystory Mystery


Back in September when the first utterances of the word Mystory were presented in Evolution of Expression, I thought it was simply a misspelling of the word mystery.  It very well could have been since Ulmer's Mystory was no less enigmatic.  As the semester continued I found myself being entranced by the idea of electracy and began noticing its existence is my everyday life.  At the time I wasn't sure if electracy had always been so abundant or if Prof. Anderson's class was starting to get to me.


While embarking on my quest to complete the Mystory, I found myself discovering more about linkages within my life than about what a Mystory was.


Even though I was enjoying the process of delving into my past and reminiscing about family adventures, I was still still unsure of the Mystory's intention.  It wasn't until the Wide Image component that I felt I comprehended the Mystory's purpose.  The hyperlinks between pages acted in an electrate manner to connect seemingly isolated fragments of my life.  This "conduction" served as a means to unite these segments under a unifying idea that spanned my life.  In discovering this common bond, I was better able to understand the reasoning behind many of my actions and interests.


One of the greatest realizations for me was the importance of choice and how one selection brings you to another always trying to reach an end, much like a Wikipedia Race.  This complex process is where our senses of self are rooted and how our identities are are ultimately formed.

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