DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

6-Week Unit

Dramatic Structure

H.S. Drama
66 minute classes, 3 days out of a 6 day cycle, 30ish in a class.

The classes are not leveled and mixed grade, 9-12.


Understandings: Students will understand that…

                -Dramatic Structure is the foundation for most fiction, plays, movies,      

                    and television

                - Dramatic Structure is formulaic and ordered

                - The Dramatic Structure can be identified and analyzed in literature

                    both ancient and modern

                - Deconstructing the dramatic structure will help us analyze works and

                    better understand them as a whole

                - Mastering the dramatic structure will improve acting skills such as

                    improv and scene building skills, as well as aid in the creating of


                - Dramatic Structure ties into\informs all elements of a theatrical 



Essential Questions:

                -What are the basic elements of Dramatic structure?

                -Can a piece find success without the Dramatic structure?

                -What are the differences between the simple dramatic structure and

                    this more detailed version?

                -How does the dramatic structure relate to my life?

                -If the dramatic structure is constant, is it possible to create truly

                    original work?


Students will be able to…

                -Sequence plot events according to the order of Dramatic Structure

                -Identify, analyze,  and define elements of dramatic structure in

                   existing film, literature and other narrative media

                -Apply Elements of Dramatic Structure to original work

                -Compare and contrast this detailed dramatic structure with the

                   Freytag Dramatic structure triangle

                -Express and convey elements of the dramatic Structure through

                   physicality, with speech, graphically, and in writing

                -Demonstrate collaborative and cooperative skills in the analysis and

                   implementation of Dramatic structure

                -Utilize various cooperative and independent playmaking skills and

                   strategies, such as brainstorming, improvisation, monologue

                   generating, plot outlining, editing, re-writing and adaptation

Students will know…

                -vocabulary associated with Dramatic Structure

                -The use and implementation of dramatic structure

                -the components of dramatic structure

                -examples of dramatic structure in literature, film, theatre etc

                -basic and foundational elements of story telling

                -techniques of beginning playmaking





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Scope & Sequence

Dramatic Structure and Beginning Playmaking


Hook: Story Circle—several variations

Body:  Puzzle Sequence Challenge with Disney movies – groups race to arrange screenshots in proper order.

Discussion\Interactive lecture introducing dramatic structure

Have volunteers get up and do “freeze frame” or tableaux using Wizard of Oz for reference.

H.W.:  Watch a movie or TV show, identify and record the dramatic structure



Hook: Game—What Happens Next?

Body: Fairy tale Tableaux using Dramatic structure – discuss and dissect in brief as a group at each step

                -Status Quo

                -Carousel to add on Inciting Incident

                -Carousel to add on Collision Factor

Closure: Disrupt the Status Quo game (along the lines of “World’s Worst”)

H.W.:  Come up with your own story following the first three steps of the dramatic structure- be prepared to present it in a tableau using your classmates.  You may incorporate one line of text for each step or transition. (may be original or may be stolen from literature, film, tv, or can be something that happened in your life)



Hook: Energy Circle, “Yes, And” Circle

                Story Spine game (Conducted group storytelling with specific prompts)

Body:  “Magnetic Poetry” relay challenge in groups

                Present H.W. Tableaux (groups)

Using a sampling of three or so, challenge the group to come up with the next moment in the sequence, “what happens next?” (This ties in the warm up from previous class and the story spine game from this class.)

H.W.:  Continue your story into the next part of the structure- have at least 3 crises\climaxes



Hook:  Fox & Hare; Blindfolded Bottle Obstacle with peer coach and side helpers- timed

Body: Discuss & Explore Obstacles, “Rising Action”

                Ex: Alice in Wonderland, Frodo in LOTR

                Popcorn ideas for obstacles, including natural, internal, and interpersonal

Closure: In small groups choose 3 of the obstacles from the pop-corned list and create a scene of rising action—“Raise the Stakes!” (Should be quick-fire scenes)

H.W. Identify a movie, story, play, book or tv show defined by obstacles or a continued rising action.



Hook: Tug of War (mime?) {“something’s Gotta Give”};  Red Light, Green Light {“Moment of No Return”}

Body: Briefly discuss the next step in the Structure—the Recognition Scene.  Cite some examples, have them come up with a few.


HW:  Write or Draw the recognition scene (or moment) in The Boy and His Mother as you perceive it.



Hook: Incorporate HW into Boy and His Mother

Body: Continue Sequence

                -explore different angles on boy and his mother

                -rehearse present it as a finished product- choosing what you want to show, highlight, etc.

Closure: Discussion of how we were affected and how each piece, while using the same text, managed to be different and unique.



Hook: Freezegame Warmup; Slideshow game!

Body: Revisit Disney Scene Cards & other pop culture to cover Obligatory Scene, Climax, & Denoument

                -“Magnetic Poetry” relay game with Obligatory, Climax and Denoument focus.

                -One line scenes for O.S., Climax, and Denoument.

H.W. Finish your own story sequence- be ready to present again with tableaux—may use music and\or one line of text per step.

(at least 3 crisis\climax)



Hook: Freeze Game

Body: Rehearse and present completed HW assignments as shadow scenes (smallish groups)

Closure: Discuss the relative success of the presentations in relation to the dramatic structure; discuss what we saw versus what the ‘playwright’ had in mind; discuss how and if the music and text helped\added to the structure;

H.W. Can there be anything new using the dramatic structure?  Why or Why not? Write a piece of scene, narrative, or monologue that does not follow the dramatic structure- due two classes from now.



Hook:  Duct Tape Line Challenge; -or- 2 Piece of paper challenge

In Groups: Re-write and present a variation on a famous fairy tale by changing something key in the dramatic structure

Body: listen to a piece of music\song create a music video- pulling out a story and hitting the key moments of dramatic structure.

Closure: Pop Quiz!  Each person is provided an event\happening to wear- without speaking the group has to confer, compare and collaborate on which order they should arrange themselves!  (may be done more than once depending on time and nature of the group)



Hook: Recreate famous snapshots or paintings from history – guessing game tableaux!

Body: stations around the room are named for each step in the dramatic structure- a photograph, markers and a large piece of paper at each. 

-Small groups are assigned to come up with moments before and after for each photo- groups watch each other.

-Then groups carousel around to 2-3 stations and write lines of dialogue relating to the picture (perhaps two lines each, or timed)

Each group gets one to own and then make a scene out of the dialogue lines provided

H.W. Write a 2-3 line monologue for the character you played in the scene.



Hook: “My Fault” warm up

Body: Build on previous class work-  Share monologues with group members then incorporate them into a “subtext” scene\sequence—show class.

-go into the future or the past- choosing a spot on the structure and create a scene that relates to the one already in existence.  Show.

-Create\Show the resolution- the new status quo.

Closure: Discuss where the scenes went- were we surprised? 



Hook: Mill & Seethe with various emotions\words\topics in mind (lead into playmaking topic)

Body: Groups brainstorm on giant paper around selected word or phrase.

-1st pictures, then words\phrases, then characters stemming off of that work.  Carousel and walk\speak after each one, but return group to their original to proceed.

-Using the new info provided by other groups, brainstorm status quo & Characters, then what will be the conflict (inciting & collision).  Tableau the status quo and communicate the relationship between the characters—presented as a snapshot.

H.W.: Bring in one or two items of costume or prop that relate to\add to your character or to the topic\show your group is working on.



Hook: Random Partners pair up the have to describe in brief the object of the other and why it is important or definitive to their character.

Body: Tableau Inciting incident and Collison factor.  Another group will speak subtext.

-Bring scenes to life based on the brainstorming + the spoken subtext.  *Use folding over method to write dialogue options, then use.

Closure: View scenes with dialogue

HW: Look for (and bring in) music, song, and\or sound effects to enhance and further the piece.



Hook: Mill & Seethe using music & sound effects track to create mood and influence movement.

Body:  Build on to existing work with rising action crisis\climax escalation using the music & sound effects. “Silent Movie” style—subtitles or action cards may be used sparingly if desired.  

Closure:   identify\create a cliffhanger for each group as a class.



Resolve mini play, incorporate all elements. 









DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.