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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Performance Rubric

A] Demonstrated proper use of staging such as creative and dynamic blocking, strategic and supported use of levels, and aesthetically pleasing stage pictures

Employed appropriate physicalization and strong choices in physicality for believability of character

Maintained a believable and committed characterization throughout the duration of the scene\project

Demonstrated the ability to speak clearly, possessed the appropriate volume, vocal energy, and vocal variety. Spoke in a manner believable for the chosen characterization

Showed an exemplary effort to have a well thought-out and well rehearsed character and scene


B] Showed a mostly consistent understanding of proper staging but lacked variety and creativity in levels, blocking, and stage picture

Created the occasional “block” or spoke with their back to the audience on occasion

Physicalization and choices in physicality were adequate for believability of characterization

Maintained a believable and committed character for the majority of the scene

Showed an ability to communicate fairly well, but may lack some clarity of speech, vocal energy, vocal variety, and\or volume

Showed adequate effort to have a well thought-out and well rehearsed scene


C] Made frequent blocking mistakes, performed with “back to the audience” often, showed a lack of concern for levels and stage picture

Performed with low physical energy and low commitment to physicality and made choices in physicalization which were unsupportive of the characterization and\or the action of the scene

Sustained a believable character some of the time

Spoke clearly some of the time but struggled with issues of diction, low vocal energy, low volume and\or made vocal choices not believable for the characterization or action of the scene

Presented a scene that needed to be better planned and rehearsed


D] Made persistent blocking errors, performed with “back to the audience” regularly, lacked creativity and variety in levels and stage picture—had crowded or “clumped” blocking

Demonstrated little to no physical energy, made poor choices (or no discernable choices) regarding physicality in support of the characterization or the action of the scene

Was unable to sustain a believable character for the majority of the scene

Unable to demonstrate clear speech, possessed little to no vocal variety or energy, and made poor choices (or no discernable choices) in support of the characterization or the action of the scene

Presented a scene that was largely un-rehearsed and ill thought out

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.