DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Cheryl Murphy

Acting Lesson Plan



Mad Lib Narrative Scenes



Goal: Students will use imagination, creativity and English Grammar to create Narrative Scenes using Mad Libs as the base.


Materials: Parts of Speech Lists, Mad Lib stories, Parts of Speech definitions




            Part I

  1. In groups students will fill in the Parts of Speech List without prior knowledge of what Mad Lib story they will receive ( Parts of Speech Definitions will be available if needed)
  2. Next students will fill in the corresponding Mad Lib story with their Parts of Speech List
  3. Then Groups will pass the Mad Lib Story to the group to the left so that each group has a new story that they did not write.


Part II

  1. Groups will then have 20 minutes to devise a scene using the Mad Lib story as the narration for the scene. 
  2. One person in group will act as Narrator reading the Mad Lib Story as written. 
  3. All other group members will take on a role in the story and act it out while the story is being read by Narrator. 
  4. Group must decide where the narrator will pause in his reading to allow for dialog between the characters.  All characters should improvise the lines of dialog for the scene during the rehearsal process

**The transitions from narration to dialog, back to narration should be smooth

***Teacher will model how scene should look before sending groups to create and rehearse scenes. 


  1. Groups will present their narration scenes for the whole class



Students will be able to:


  • Build a scene using improvisation
  • Incorporate a theatrical scene into a narrative story and have them flow seamlessly
  • Build on what they already know about 1). creating clear defined characters, 2). blocking a scene so that all are seen and 3). movement and levels are used





Literacy Objectives:

  • To understand a concept and construct meaning
  • To interpret a passage orally
  • To communicate in a manner that allows one to be heard and understood
  • To convey ones speaking in complete sentences
  • To make an oral presentation




  • Dialog and Narration are integrated and transition smoothly 
  • Each actor has a defined role
  • True Ensemble collaboration



A= Seamless integration of narrative and scene, Clear and defined Character, True collaboration


B= Narrative and Scene are integrated but are sometimes messy,  Character is partially clear and defined, Ensemble works well at times but not all the way through the piece


C= There are holes in the narrative and scene integration, Bland characters, Ensemble started off well but fell apart halfway through


D= Narrative and Scene do not flow together at all, Character is non existent, Ensemble fell apart before it started


F= did not complete task as assigned

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.