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Marni Glovinsky - Philosophy of Teaching


As an educator, I am committed to including the following in my teaching practice:


Empowering youth to take responsibility for their lives and for making an impact on the world: I think it is important for students to understand that each of them possesses unique talentsOne of my main roles as a teacher is to help them discover their gifts and how to effectively channel those strengths.  


Building an atmosphere of safety, respect, and flexibility: I believe that in a successful learning environment, students are able to express their opinions without judgment, and are not afraid to take risks.  While I strive to create an environment that lets students know that I take them and their work seriously, I infuse my teaching with a sense of humor and playfulness that puts them at ease. 


Listening and valuing the opinions of studentsGreat teachers are also great listeners.  It is important for students to realize that teachers do not have all the answers.  As a teacher, not only is it my job to ask questions with no right or wrong responses, but also to encourage students to formulate their own questions about the world and guide them to form thoughtful answers.  I listen attentively to the opinions of students, and expect that they listen and respect the thoughts of their peers as well.


Creating course content relevant to students lives: I know students learn best when teachers scaffold on their pre-existing knowledge, and I connect what I teach in the classroom to the student’s experience in the world


Respecting and honoring differences and diversity: I   create curriculum content that honors a variety of cultures and exposes students to the voices of people who have been under represented.


Focusing on student centered teaching methods and a using a variety of assessment: Methods I use include cooperative and inquiry based learning, role-playing and games, and student led discussion.  I use weighted checklists, rubrics, portfolios and quizzes to evaluate student understanding.


Continuing my own professional growth: Not only am I passionate about my subject matter, but I am also committed to growing as a teacher by continuing my work as an artist.  Learning is collaborative – I act as a guide for my students, and I regularly learn from them as well.


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